Write documentation#

Project layout#

The Flower documentation lives in the doc directory. The Sphinx-based documentation system supports both reStructuredText (.rst files) and Markdown (.md files).

Note that, in order to build the documentation locally (with poetry run make html, like described below), Pandoc needs to be installed on the system.

Edit an existing page#

  1. Edit an existing .rst (or .md) file under doc/source/

  2. Compile the docs: cd doc, then poetry run make html

  3. Open doc/build/html/index.html in the browser to check the result

Create a new page#

  1. Add new .rst file under doc/source/

  2. Add content to the new .rst file

  3. Link to the new rst from index.rst

  4. Compile the docs: cd doc, then poetry run make html

  5. Open doc/build/html/index.html in the browser to check the result