
Run Flower Datasets as fast as possible by learning only the essentials.

Install Federated Datasets#

On the command line, run

python -m pip install "flwr-datasets[vision]"

Install the ML framework#


pip install tensorflow


pip install torch torchvision

Choose the dataset#

Choose the dataset by going to Hugging Face Datasets Hub and searching for your dataset by name that you will pass to the dataset parameter of FederatedDataset. Note that the name is case sensitive.

Partition the dataset#

To iid partition your dataset, choose the split you want to partition and the number of partitions:

from flwr_datasets import FederatedDataset

fds = FederatedDataset(dataset="cifar10", partitioners={"train": 10})
partition = fds.load_partition(0, "train")
centralized_dataset = fds.load_split("test")

Now you’re ready to go. You have ten partitions created from the train split of the CIFAR10 dataset and the test split for the centralized evaluation. We will convert the type of the dataset from Hugging Face’s Dataset type to the one supported by your framework.

Display the features#

Determine the names of the features of your dataset (you can alternatively do that directly on the Hugging Face website). The names can vary along different datasets e.g. “img” or “image”, “label” or “labels”. You will also see the names of label categories. Type:


In case of CIFAR10, you should see the following output.

{'img': Image(decode=True, id=None),
'label': ClassLabel(names=['airplane', 'automobile', 'bird', 'cat', 'deer', 'dog',
'frog', 'horse', 'ship', 'truck'], id=None)}

Note that the image is denoted by “img” which is crucial for the next steps (conversion you the ML framework of your choice).


For more detailed instructions, go to Use with PyTorch, Use with NumPy, or Use with TensorFlow.

PyTorch DataLoader#

Transform the Dataset into the DataLoader, use the PyTorch transforms (Compose and all the others are also possible):

from torch.utils.data import DataLoader
from torchvision.transforms import ToTensor

transforms = ToTensor()
def apply_transforms(batch):
  batch["img"] = [transforms(img) for img in batch["img"]]
  return batch
partition_torch = partition.with_transform(apply_transforms)
dataloader = DataLoader(partition_torch, batch_size=64)


NumPy can be used as input to the TensorFlow and scikit-learn models and it is very straightforward:

partition_np = partition.with_format("numpy")
X_train, y_train = partition_np["img"], partition_np["label"]

TensorFlow Dataset#

Transformation to TensorFlow Dataset is a one-liner:

tf_dataset = partition.to_tf_dataset(columns="img", label_cols="label", batch_size=64,